Monday, March 30, 2009

Ah, little Taylor Ann........ she decided to take her time coming into this world and it was well worth the wait. She is such a beauty, so sweet and precious. She also gave her parents and I a hard time when it came to falling asleep for photos, she just wanted to see all the photo action:) Then, as we were getting close to giving up, I said lets just try a few more with this basket and then a miracle occured, Taylor drifted off to dream land. It was so much fun cuddiling little Taylor and creating timeless memories for you and your family!

And to top it all off, a beautiful smile for a happy ending!


Becky said...

Cassie, You are a gifted photographer. The pictures of Taylor are adorable. Grandma and Grandpa could not be any happier to see such beautiful pictures of their granddaughter.

Anonymous said...

Awww!!! These are absolutely precious!!!