Friday, August 28, 2009

Thought I would share a few recent photos of my handsome little nephew today, especially since he became a big brother today for the first time! Congrats to my sister-in-law and the rest of the family. I can't wait to meet little Owen and to be a part of his life. Isaiah will be such a great brother. I can picture him being a little mommy's helper:)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

High school senior season is underway, and it has been keeping me busy! They are so refreshing to work with. This beautiful senior was adaptable to every photo, I think I could have gone on all day. It was so much fun spending the afternoon with you K and your audience:). Enjoy your photos, many more to come with your gallery!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Ahhhhh, remember these two, J and J? Well, they just got done celebrating their 1st birthdays. So many of my baby planners are now turning 1, its bitter/sweet. I love watching them grow up before my eyes and seeing how much they have changed and accomplished since the last time I saw them, but then I am sad, cuz they have gotten so big! But in the end I am always proud and amazed at all my little baby planners, just look how much they have grown and changed in a year. Here is one of their newborn photos where they were just a little over 5lbs. each!

Now, proud and 1!

Thanks for the fun afternoon mom and dad. You made it through the first year with twins and they are just so adorable and precious. Thank you for letting me into your home and being a part of their first year, it was an honor.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

A few weeks ago I was out on a beautiful farm in Woodbury. Honestly, I think I could have photographed there all day, the options were endless. I could not have asked for anything more, a beautiful family who have been on this blog a few times and little Carter who just had his first birthday. Im so glad we were able to capture these photos at this gorgeous location, I think it made such a memorable experience and images that will last them a lifetime.

Here is little Carter when he was just a weee one.

Look how big he has gotten in just a year, can you believe how much one can change from birth to a year!

A few of his oldest brother, Evan.

And, of course, the beautiful family of 5!