Wednesday, June 17, 2009

It has been so long since I have posted photos of my little B man! But since his 2nd birthday is just around the corner, I thought I would share just a couple of my favorites that really show his personality. The funny thing is that when I look at these I cannot believe how fast he has grown up. He is talking so much and saying all sorts of things like "I got it mommy." The little words are now starting to become sentances, tear. Being a mom is one of the best gifts that I have ever been given, but I never thought the hardest part would be watching him grow up, although, I am just so very proud of him and all he does. Happy "early" 2nd Birthday Branson!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Way up in Randall, MN to meet this wonderful couple and beautiful daughter named Adalie! These fun, loving parents of Adalie will be getting married this September. Since an engagement session was in order, why not some family photos and a few of Miss Adalie as well. It was a fun day, that ended with some rain, but still so much fun. And I just have to mention that one of their cows on their farm almost licked me, it was a close call, hahaha.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

So, I have some really exciting news!!! It is finally official, Cassie Hop Photography will now have a studio space to photograph at as well as all the fun locations. The studio will be under construction for the next few months but I will keep you posted when it will be ready for use. What does this mean? Well, Cassie Hop Photography will still stay the same, on location portraits, however this will just give one more location to travel too if need be, a meeting place for my wonderful clients and a place to finally be able to display my work.

Now, for more exciting news, meet Everett Aaron! I had the pleasure to photograph this adorable stud when he was just 6 days old. He was a perfect little model and he has the most wonderful parents. We all joined in with the "swaying" motion while holding Everett. So much, peace and love with this family. See you again in a few months, can't wait to see how much he will have grown!

And look at this adorable smile as soon as his parents put their warm hands full of love on him!