Saturday, May 16, 2009

Mylene gave me so many expressions and looks, it was so fun and refreshing to get really creative. I felt so inspired with her unique look! I was so amazed with how comfortable she felt in front of the camera and she told me the best advice to tell those that I photograph, having "confidence" is the key. I have to say, I totally agree and I think it shows. I also think it helps that Mylene has so much experience in the pageant world and being photographed a lot. So my new word for when I photograph is "confidence" and it will show in the photos along with your personality. Thanks for the fun afternoon and your complete confidence!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Full of spirit and life is how I would describe this High School Senior! Tons of fun to work with as well as her parents, who helped assist during this session (thanks again by the way). It was a fun day out at Como Park, worried it was going to rain, but we made it thru and as soon as we were done, sure enough the sprinkles started.

And I always welcome the idea of using something in your photos that you feel really represents you! In Leah's case, she loves to read, and this is one of her favorite books:

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Ahhhh, I cannot believe little Mason is now 3 years old! You might recognize him since, he and his 2 brother's are frequent to my blog. I can't help it, I have a little soft spot for them and their adorable personalities. So, when I photograph these boys, they always have ideas and fun faces to show me, but they generally do not end up on the blog. So, I decided to create a little collage at the end of this post to show you a few takes of this little mans adorable faces. You will see how much fun I have with them, every time I see them:)

Ummmm, and how could you ever say "NO" to this adorable, puppy dog face?

Mason's adorable faces:

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

We had such a beautiful day the other day, and I was so worried that it was going to rain when I saw some clouds creeping in.... This beauty is a good friend's sister, who will be graduating this year. So sweet and fun to work with, as well as beautiful I heard some of her friends at school call her Barbie and I can totally see why (and her sister is just as beautiful). Thanks Arriel for the fun afternoon, can't wait to show you the rest!