Friday, February 13, 2009

A few months ago I photographed twins J & J when they were 6 months. They were not at the point of sitting yet, so we decided we would do some 6 month photos then come back when they both could sit independantly. Now almost 9 months, they can sit so proudly! Knowing that I would be photographing them again in a few months I had all these ideas running thru my head......... Well, J & J had their own ideas:) I think they decided it was fun to have me there, but to have their photos taken was another story. You would not believe it, but in the first photo they were both crying with full blown tears!!! The ultimate plan was to photograph them with their little bums facing me and trying to get them to turn towards me. The other plan was to put them both in the wicker toy chest that I brought from home. That didn't work either, more tears. So, we ended up capturing a few photos of them individually with only a few minutes to spare until the next tear fest arrived. Lastly, if we had time and the babies were doing well, I had boy and girl scarves, but we only got little Ms. J to participate. I think it just wasn't their day. Maybe they just wanted to play and not have their photos taken??? I can't wait to see you again in a few more months when your a year. Mom and Dad I hope you got some good rest after I left:) Even after all the tears its always so much fun to go back and see how much my little babies have grown, all my clients are truly like family and it is such an honor to be a part of their lives. See you again soon, and next time we will play a little bit first:)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

This trio were little "hams" with the camera. Super cute and I even had a little helper! I just love traveling to people's homes and having everyone involved with the photographs, it makes it more fun for everybody. This trio has one more sibling and I am hoping to photograph her soon as well, and then we can get the four of them together, but for now just the oldest 3....

Friday, February 6, 2009

I know its been awhile since I have posted, but trust me it will be worth it! I am constantly working on my new website and it will be ready to be seen here I am hoping (crossing fingers) soon. So, how can I post without photos? I would like you meet Karah, isn't she gorgeous and just look at those eyes! These photos were done in her home, it has been kind of hard to go outside with this extremely cold January, but I have a feeling spring will be here sooner than we think. It was so much fun working with you and chatting with your mom. Thanks for letting me try new things and having fun with me!

I thought this necklace was so much fun, so why not do something different?