Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year! 2008 was a great year, and I am hoping to make 2009 an even better year. Some new things to come. I will do my best to keep up with postings here in the next month or so, a new look with my website is on its way. Looking forward to working with everyone in 2009! Have a fun and safe new year!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

These past few weeks have been really crazy around here rushing to get everyone's holiday orders in! With the huge holiday rush, I all of a sudden realized, ummmmmm I bought these Christmas jammies for my son that I would like to take pictures of him in for our Christmas card, but I just didn't have the time. So last week, we did a quick little mini session at home. I finished up the rest of my client orders and holiday cards and then busted a move on our family Christmas card. So needless to say, I just got them yesterday, and I will be lucky if everyone has them by tomorrow, so just in case here is a little post with my son's 18 month photos and Christmas card. HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE!!!!!!



Monday, December 8, 2008

Remember when you were younger and the thought of your brother or sister sitting too close to you was the worst thing on earth, well that is how this session went. I remember those days with my sisters and putting up cereal boxes at breakfast so they wouldn't look at me. Of course, now we are the best of friends, I think that is just what being brothers/sisters is. Anyways, we got the most beautiful photos of them individually to really show off their personalities. This is for you mom, black and whites, your favorite!

And everyone who knows me, knows that I just love feet, so I had to show a foot photo.

Can't forget Dioge (sp.??) their lovable dog who was so patient in watching the session.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

I just have to show you this beautiful family and 5 month old named Ava. Ava has the cutest angelic face I have ever seen! She is just so beautiful, and look at those gorgeous blue eyes. She was such a trooper, not a fuss, just a yawn at the end of the session. Hope everyone got some rest after I left:)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The twins are back! J & J were just so adorable and I was so amazed to see how much they have grown in just 6 months. They have the most adorable baby rolls and thighs I have ever seen! Can't wait to see you again in a few more months to capture those sitting photos.