Thursday, April 24, 2008

We have triplets! I would like to introduce you to Connor, Joseph and Sullivan. They are the cutest little boys with the most adorable chubby cheeks, and of course their bums too:) Check out these precious faces.....

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Who says you can't feel beautiful when your pregnant? This was such a beautiful mom to be who is expecting a little boy shortly! She has the cutest little baby bump I have ever seen. Can't wait til the little one arrives so I can see who was having the hicups at the time of this session:)

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Talk about cuties! These little boys are the sons of a really close friend of mine and I just cannot believe how much they have grown since the last time I saw them and did pictures. They have the biggest brown eyes! Mason is just about to turn 2 and of course, Evan saw his little brother getting pictures taken so he had to join in the fun as well. I say the more the better, I could photograph these boys all day, we had a blast!!!!!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Jack and Madeline are back! They are now 6 months and I cannot believe how much they have grown in 3 months. I was telling their mom today how excited I was to see them and that they feel like family. They also have teeth, did I tell you that? They are just soooo adorable! I am going to miss them, I heard the news that they are moving in two days, but hopefully they will make it back up here to visit and we can have some more photo sessions. I would just love to watch them grow up. Well, enough sad talk look at these adorable, blue eyed twins........

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Ok, so remember when I had a posting of looking for multiples?? Well, I have photographed quite a few twins, but I was looking for more, a challenge:) I definitely got that today! Lets just say quintuplets, yes you heard me that is 5 babies!!!!! This mom has lots of strength and she is so proud of her little ones and not only the 5 but she also has a gorgeous daughter named Kalei who is about to turn 3. She had some poses she wanted to do for me, and I thought it was adorable so we got a few of her as well. She is also a big sister and always wanting to lend a hand. So, with this said, introducing Jackson, Lainey, Matthew, Nathan, and Breah. Can't wait to see these little ones in a few months when they can sit up and hold their heads up high...........

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

It is that time of year again, back to high school seniors! Bailey was such a great sport today, we had a fun time in the little town of Isanti. The weather was a photographer's dream with complete overcast, making the whole outdoors one big studio softbox! However, it was a bit chilly with winds (the poor thing), and I think she did very well! She just photographs so amazingly and once again I had a hard time choosing.