Friday, March 21, 2008

Ok, I am still up on a Friday night working on photography stuff. I must be addicted;) So, I promise I am going to bed right after this. I just cannot help myself I was really excited to work on this sessions proofs today and post some of these fun images. I love the little baby buns and the family feet photos. Alright, I am off to bed, enjoy this beautiful family and the twins that are just cute as buttons.....

First off, I would like to start the weekend off with a Happy Easter! Yes, that is my little man, and I know the ears have pink in them, but they were in the dollar section at Target and I just couldn't pass them up:) Plus, white bunnies that are boys have pink on the inside of their ears right???

Okay, today did not go as planned! I had a fun session with twins today, which I should be posting some images of them in the next few days........... well, after my session, I went to run an errand on the way home, and ended up stranded at the bank with a flat tire! So, called my husband and he kindly came to my rescue. But needless to say, nothing got done that I needed to get done! So, if you look at this post and realize that it is 8:45pm on a Friday night, that is why, no time for a break. But anyways....... I decided to show everyone how big my little man is. His bright blue eyes I am such a sucker for. He is 9 months today! Time just keeps flying by and I think the crazy thing is thinking that in 3 months he will be a year! I don't want to jump ahead, but that is true. So enjoy my little love and I hope he makes you melt as he does me!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Hayden is the most adorable 1 year old ever! The funny thing is, that she usually smiles all the time, but yesterday we just got the most serious looks from her. I think she wanted to show that side:) Look at those gorgeous eyes, isnt she precious!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Babies, babies, babies! I love my job! It has been a busy week with adorable babies! This little princess I photographed over the weekend and she is just the cutest thing. And of course, her big brother Brayden had to get one in as well. Enjoy Bella, the little fairy princess in pink.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Today I had the best time photographing 7 month old twins! They were the sweetest things ever! Tyler has the most adorable hair and Logan was such a ham:) Tyler got a little tuckered out towards the end, poor thing. Hopefully with a big day of pictures mom got a little break. Can't wait to see these 2 again!

Welcome to my new blog page! New name. Same unique, artistic on-location portrait and wedding photography. (formerly known as Portrait Dezigns by Cassie Hop) Well, winter is almost over and yeah to spring! I can't wait! I had to get at least one or two shots with my little man in his snow suit with the snow before its gone. So happy new name, and yes to spring.....