First off, I would like to start the weekend off with a Happy Easter! Yes, that is my little man, and I know the ears have pink in them, but they were in the dollar section at Target and I just couldn't pass them up:) Plus, white bunnies that are boys have pink on the inside of their ears right???

Okay, today did not go as planned! I had a fun session with twins today, which I should be posting some images of them in the next few days........... well, after my session, I went to run an errand on the way home, and ended up stranded at the bank with a flat tire! So, called my husband and he kindly came to my rescue. But needless to say, nothing got done that I needed to get done! So, if you look at this post and realize that it is 8:45pm on a Friday night, that is why, no time for a break. But anyways....... I decided to show everyone how big my little man is. His bright blue eyes I am such a sucker for. He is 9 months today! Time just keeps flying by and I think the crazy thing is thinking that in 3 months he will be a year! I don't want to jump ahead, but that is true. So enjoy my little love and I hope he makes you melt as he does me!